- El Último Vecino
- Blu Boi
- 2001
- Mariana També
- Samuel SLZR
- Elena Mesa
- $kyhook
- Bearoid
- Cariño
- Cecilio G
- Daniel Sabater
- discontrol
- This is
- InnerCut
- Kabasaki
- limabeatz
- Marco Italia
- Mr.K!
- Mueveloreina
- Mumesis
- Mundo Prestigio
- Nicky.O
- No no
- OnePath
- Pantocrator
- Pedro LaDroga
- Pepe y Vizio
- Selecta
- skygaze
- trashi
- Valles
- VVV [Trippin you]
- Xenia
- All
1. NiGHTSHOT (fanzer)
2. Si o No
3. Carita de Tumblr
5. +
Pedro LaDroga & FalsoGangster
“Hot As Fallas” como el mismo Marcy Mane dice en la canción, es puro fuego, un track con un sonido nostálgico, cloudy y brillante, a un ritmo que te hace flotar pero sin dejar de ser oscuro, duro y motivante
Pedro LaDroga & Marcy Mane
Youtube: 44611
Directed by Maker Fly
Produced by Helsinkipro
Youtube: 114414
Directed by Maker Fly
Produced by Javier Tilouni
Youtube: 154801
Directed by Maker Fly / Film Jtilouni
Produced by Helsinkipro
Youtube: 289940
Directed by Maker Fly and Javi Tilouni
Produced by H.264
Youtube: 182873
Directed by HCarnero
Produced by HCarnero
Youtube: 138930
Directed by Pablo Amores & PDRDRG
Produced by LAB & Helsinkipro
Youtube: 121102
Directed by Jmzerr
Produced by Tokyu Studio
Youtube: 170956
Directed by Pedro LaDroga and 999K
Produced by Helsinkipro
KICKBOMBO presents AMZNG, a new single with an urban cut that comes from the hand of Pedro LaDroga, one of the great exponents of the new urban sounds of our country, and the singer, composer and producer Ebby.
Performed by Pedro Ladroga, Ebby, KICKBOMBO
Produced by KICKBOMBO
Youtube: 523688
Directed by Iván Blanco and Marta Sanz
Produced by Helsinkipro
1. Only X Me
2. ToLoKeMeDen
3. Fantasya
4. So Hard
5.There are 4 U
6. Gotta Da'Potion
7. Browning
10. Bad Lean
12. I'm Going Away
13. Na De Na
14. I let you run
15. Over Me
17. Mortal Kombat (LaDrogaLab)
“FANTASYA” is a journey guided by a Pedro LaDroga unleashed and supported by a cohort of first-rate producers who have wrapped him in layers and layers of sound and distortion. $kyhook, Limabeats, Kabasaki, Enry-K... The quality of the productions is beyond any doubt in this work whose songs work better individually than as a complete project. Listening to this work from start to finish, the old-fashioned way, it's normal (at least in my case) to end up overwhelmed. The themes follow one after another and end up losing their own identity. Without being attentive we don't know if we are listening to the third cut or the fourteenth. It doesn't help that the style is so particular and the sounds (a lot of autotune on overloaded beats) so light. The work is also enhanced by the vocal collaborations –especially that of C. Tangana– that help to break with the dominant atmosphere and create a quite positive surprise situation – Mondo Sonoro
Performed by Pedro LaDroga, $kyhook, ETM, Telodije, Isaiah, Paul Rox, KPBTS, Kabasaki, Diego Raposo, MARIA SIOKE, Daniexgarcia, Esteban & Manuel, HNKT, Harto, C. Tangana, Enry-K, Limabeatz, ac1dop, Galgo Rock Andy Carroll
Produced by Pedro LaDroga, $kyhook, ETM, Telodije, Isaiah, Paul Rox, KPBTS, Kabasaki, Diego Raposo, Daniexgarcia, Esteban & Manuel, HNKT, Harto, Limabeatz
Youtube: 110988
Directed by Anxiety Corp, Maria Sioke and Pedro LaDroga
Produced by Maria Sioke, Pedro LaDroga and Juan Serrano
Youtube: 80752
Directed by Pedro LaDroga
Produced by Pedro LaDroga
Youtube: 177406
Directed by Frank Lucas
Produced by Aûm! Studio
1. What I have
Sobre e un beat épico, luminoso, un poco nostálgico y superbanger, podemos apreciar la filosofía de vida que ha tomado Pedro LaDroga para llegar hasta donde ha llegado, lo bueno y malo que se encuentra uno en el camino y que puedes ganar y perder espiritualmente hasta acabar sentenciando: «ni nueva ni vieja, se muera la era», refiriéndose a que nada de eso es realmente importante.
Played by Pedro LaDroga and Goon Boy
Produced by Helsinkipro
Youtube: 47467
Directed by Pedro LaDroga
Produced by Jean LaFleurr and Pedro LaDroga
1.Covid-2000 (Perfect)
He asked for a thousand comments for the premiere of new material, and his followers got down to work. Pedro LaDroga is premiering on his YouTube channel with 'Covid-2000', a new track where he shares vocal and instrumental prominence with Unrebel
Performed by Pedro LaDroga and Unrebel
Produced by Helsinkipro
1.It Hits You
«Se Te Pega», es un Baile Funk/Reggaeton tóxico, pegajoso y vanguardista producido por el mago Diego Raposo (RD), con arreglos del mismo Pedro LaDroga y en sus propias palabras hecho «pa partir la pista, el parking o tu casa». Y, es que, puedes aprender las vocales con Abelo, o perrearlo bien pegait@ con Pedro, porque «se te pega, se te se te pega».
Played by Pedro LaDroga, Abelo Valis and Diego Raposo
Produced by Diego Raposo
Youtube: 40867
Directed by @burnersedition
Produced by Helsinkipro and LaDrogaLab
1.10 Years Dead
2.To My Lao
3.To Your Lao
4.Pheel Me
6.Full Loko
7. The Same Cuddles
8.Kill Me Now
10.New Dayé
12.For Not Ia?
13.1 Second 1 Middle
14. Young Vampire
15.I don't have time
16.Me Kieren Exa'
“EUROCOCA” opens with “10 years dead”, a freestyle in which he explains the situation he was in at that moment and closes with another after-party freestyle in his apartment, without a voice, capturing how he was at that moment in “I Love Exa”. In between, the artist takes us on a journey through the various registers to which we are accustomed: the vaporous atmospheres of Pheel Me, The Same Mimes or Konfussion. The Trap pop of the future of 10 years dead and Para no ia; the hesitant vibes of I have no time and the kicks and basses break loudspeakers of songs like Me Kieren Exa and A Mi Lao). Besides, it includes classics that have penetrated deep into Pedro's repertoire such as “Vampiro Joven”.
Performed by Pedro LaDroga, Danni Ble, A.Dense, Gobinski, Lvlv Ther, Young Dogo, 4LX, The Norris, M.RIVERA, $kyhook and Paul Rox
Produced by Pedro Enrique Rodríguez Bravo, Daniel Cala Bernárdez, Adrián González Muñoz, Alex Carbonell Cunillera, Alberto Rodríguez Martín, Rubén Gabriel Pérez Giménex, Alejandro García Martínez, Francisco Javier Lara Alamo, Edgar Mauricio Rivera Prado, Pablo de Echave Cazorla and Pablo Rubio Rodríguez
Youtube: 246181
Directed by Pedro LaDroga and Buners Edition
Produced by Pedro LaDroga and Buners Edition
«Dentro» es el nuevo single de $kyhook, esta vez acompañado por Sticky M.A.(Agorazein) & Pedro LaDroga (LaDrogaLab).
Performed by $kyhook, Pedro LaDroga and Sticky MA
Produced by Pablo de Echave Cazorla
Directed by Pedro LaDroga
Produced by Pedro LaDroga
Youtube: 131406
Directed by Jean LaFleurr
Produced by Jean LaFleurr
Youtube: 903003
Directed by Swallow X, Soto Asa and Pedro LaDroga
Produced by Swallow X
Youtube: 23327
Directed by Jean LaFleur and Pedro LaDroga
Produced by Helsinkipro