- El Último Vecino
- Blu Boi
- 2001
- Mariana També
- Samuel SLZR
- Elena Mesa
- $kyhook
- Bearoid
- Cariño
- Cecilio G
- Daniel Sabater
- discontrol
- This is
- InnerCut
- Kabasaki
- limabeatz
- Marco Italia
- Mr.K!
- Mueveloreina
- Mumesis
- Mundo Prestigio
- Nicky.O
- No no
- OnePath
- Pantocrator
- Pedro LaDroga
- Pepe y Vizio
- Selecta
- skygaze
- trashi
- Valles
- VVV [Trippin you]
- Xenia
- All
‘NANO’ evoca la energía y el espíritu de las raves de los años 90 en Valencia, y nos trae una adaptación vibrante y contemporánea del clásico «Born Slippy» de Underworld.
Mueveloreina nos lleva a un mundo de ritmo acelerado y sintetizadores envolventes, combinando la energía del hardtek con la esencia de las raves de antaño. La letra, inspirada en el movimiento de la Generación Beat, refleja el deseo de encontrar significado en una sociedad cada vez más frenética y capitalista.
“A las mejores mentes de mi generación las he visto volcando y pidiendo perdón”
El grupo también toma como referencia el icónico poema «Aullido» de Allen Ginsberg, que es una oda a la juventud perdida y al espíritu rebelde.
Qué Calor
Llega el verano antes de tiempo con “Qué Calor” de Mueveloreina, un hit instantáneo que te pone a bailar estés dónde estés. El dúo formado por Karma Cereza y Joaco Fuksbrauner nos presentan su nuevo single para subir la temperatura y recordarnos que su música nunca nos va a dejar indiferente.
Interpretada por Mueveloreina
Compuesta por Carmen Sirera & Joaco Fuksbrauner
Carta de Miedo
Una carta de miedo llena de amor, de abrirse en canal. Mostrar la vulnerabilidad, despojarse del miedo y mirarle a los ojos y poder con él.
Con el sonido de una «alarma» que estructura casi toda la canción, nos cuentan de forma recitada la Carta de Miedo. Una voz rota, en forma de auxilio, que finaliza con un fade out susurrado. Este single pertenece a una nueva era de Mueveloreina, que como en cada lanzamiento, nos dejan ver que su obra son ellxs al 100%.
Interpretada por Mueveloreina
Compuesta por Carmen Sirera Garzo, Joaquín Fuksbrauner Soufer
Producida por Joaquín Fuksbrauner Soufer
Road music to break a sweat, this is “Eiffel”, the new single from Mueveloreina. An electronic song made in Valencia, but sung in French, to dance in your favorite club or in its parking lot.
Portrayed by Moveloreina
Produced by Joaquín Fuksbrauner Soufer
Youtube: 16168
Directed by Francesc Soler
Produced by Mueveloreina
1. Shushu
A theme in homage to porn from the 70s that arises from a conversation between Karma Cereza and Roberto Garcés.
Portrayed by Moveloreina
Produced by Mueveloreina
Youtube: 20273
Directed by Joecar Hanna
Produced by Carmen Sirera
1.Cumbia Fit
2. Rumors
3. The Reggeaton Police (Law and Disorder)
4.Makina Fatal
5.Move it Move it
6.This Is Not the Song of the Summer
7. Summer with you
El 16 de septiembre vió la luz en todas las plataformas digitales el Megamix2020, de Mueveloreina. Inspirados en los míticos CD’s recopilatorios de canciones del verano de la década de los 2000, con este nuevo trabajo la dupla valenciana presenta un proyecto de siete cortes, según comunicado, «mucho más desenfadado, fresco y divertido».
Performed by Mueveloreina, Malachi Estéreo, NETTLE, My Bitter
Composed by Albert Julve Nieto, Carmen Sirera Garzo, Joaquín Fuksbrauner Soufer, Roberto Asensio González, Angel Martinez Zapata, Manuel González González
Produced by Helsinkipro
Directed by Individual Filmaker
Produced by Caravan Trip
Youtube: 11741
Directed by Moveloreina
Produced by Helsinkipro
1.Summer with you
Mueveloreina premieres “El Veranito Contigo” today. A new pop love song by the Valencian duo that works as the first advance single from their next EP “MEGAMIX 2020”, their summer album that will be released in the coming months and that is inspired by the mythical compilation CDs of songs from the summer of the 2000s.
"El Veranito Contigo", as the couple stated a few days ago on their social networks, is: a song sweeter and cooler than a watermelon in the middle of August in Valencia. The video clip is made with images of Karma recorded between 1990 and 2019, a treasure of summer memories that tell memorable chapters between loves and friends.
Portrayed by Moveloreina
Produced by Helsinkipro
Youtube: 19869
Directed by Ramen
Produced by Helsinkipro
Youtube: 29824
Directed by Moveloreina
Produced by Helsinkipro
1.I want to go out
Mueveloreina nos presenta su nuevo single «Quiero Salir». Una cumbia inspirada en cómo viven la cuarentena, estar encerrados en casa y los deseos que tienen para cuándo termine todo.
Portrayed by Moveloreina
Produced by Helsinkipro
Youtube: 28778
Directed by Moveloreina
Produced by Helsinkipro
Youtube: 25392
Directed by Carmen Torner
Produced by Ryu Media SL, Helsinkipro and Mueveloreina
Youtube: 178816
Portrayed by Moveloreina
Produced by Helsinkipro
Youtube: 42408
Directed by Nacho and Carmen Errando
Produced by Chiara Torinos and Laura Lluch
1. Hunger
6. Crying in Spook
8. Poison
Following the line of their mutant, acid, political, aesthetic and catchy project, with "CARNE", the artists have wanted to do a much more introspective work, where each song that makes up the 12 cuts of the album tells a small part of its history.
Performed by Mueveloreina and NETTLE
Produced by Joaquín Fuksbrauner Soufer and Carmen Sirera Garzo
1. Banga
«Banga» es el nuevo single de Mueveloreina en colaboración con BEJO, un track que plasma el estilo personal y la esencia de cada artista.
Performed by Mueveloreina and Bejo
Produced by Joaquín Fuksbrauner Soufer
1. Posturing
Starring in the single “Fuck shit up” in their last appearance with Kaixo, the Mueveloreina duo is once again the star of the day's news with the release of a new single entitled “Postureo”. "We're up to the hell of this issue, but we had to get it out."
Portrayed by Moveloreina
Produced by Joaquín Fuksbrauner Soufer
Youtube: 8045
Directed by Moveloreina
Produced by Helsinkipro
Youtube: 160521
Directed by Moveloreina
Produced by Helsinkipro
Youtube: 16584
Directed by Moveloreina
Produced by Helsinkipro
1.Shoot My Head
2.Fuck Shit Up
3. Collateral
El duo freestyler formado por Karma y Joaco ha cerrado un EP con tres canciones titulado Never Mind The Borbons. Una clara referencia o homenaje al disco casi homónimo de los Sex Pistols «Never Mind The Bollocks». Curiosamente el primero y único álbum de estudio de la banda punk por excelencia. Con la adición de «Fuck Shit Up» a dos pistas lanzadas anteriormente han creado este EP. Un trabajo que, según la pareja, supone un grito de rabia.
Performed by Mueveloreina, Malachi Estéreo and Kaixo
Produced by Roberto González and Joaquín Fuksbrauner Soufer
1.Wild Nature – Midnight & Fertita Remix
2. Wild Nature – Esteban & Manuel Remix
Performed by Mueveloreina, Fertita, Midnight and Esteban & Manuel
Produced by Joaquín Fuksbrauner Soufer, Diego Fertita, Sandra Rapulp and Manuel González González
Youtube: 40718
Directed by Moveloreina
Produced by Helsinkipro
Youtube: 39256
Directed by Carmen Torner
Produced by Ryu Media, Helsinkipro, Mueveloreina and Vórtice Media