- El Último Vecino
- Blu Boi
- 2001
- Mariana També
- Samuel SLZR
- Elena Mesa
- $kyhook
- Bearoid
- Cariño
- Cecilio G
- Daniel Sabater
- discontrol
- This is
- InnerCut
- Kabasaki
- limabeatz
- Marco Italia
- Mr.K!
- Mueveloreina
- Mumesis
- Mundo Prestigio
- Nicky.O
- No no
- OnePath
- Pantocrator
- Pedro LaDroga
- Pepe y Vizio
- Selecta
- skygaze
- trashi
- Valles
- VVV [Trippin you]
- Xenia
- All
1. Los Días – KICKBOMBO Remix
2. Sandstorms-Reflip
3. Menta – Dancefloor Version
4. Splice
5. Dime Que Sí – Electronic Ensemble Version
Las Demos, KICKBOMBO's new EP, is an effort to take random demos that seemed like they were never going to see the light and put them together in a puzzle that fits perfectly. Among the 6 tracks that make up KICKBOMBO's first EP we can find from new versions of songs already released such as The days of yarea, menta by daniel sabater or dime que si from trashi to unreleased songs that mark the path that Rubenello and Homiboy aka KICKBOMBO will follow as artists in the future.
Performed by KICKBOMBO, Yarea, daniel sabater & trashi.
Produced by Joan Valls and Ruben Pérez.
1. Quemándonos
New single by Elena Mesa with KICKBOMBO.
Interpretada por Elena Mesa, KICKBOMBO
Compuesta por Elena Mesa Galarza, Homi Valls, Rubén Pérez Pérez
Producida por KICKBOMBO
1. The Days (KICKBOMBO Remix)
“Los Días (KICKBOMBO Remix)” de Yarea es una de esas demos que KICKBOMBO tenían guardadas en un cajón y que en un arrebato decidieron que no podía quedarse más en la oscuridad. Este es el primer adelanto del EP «KICKBOMBO: las Demos» que se publicará próximamente en todas las plataformas digitales y en el que se encontrarán canciones de artistas de la talla de trashi o daniel sabater entre otrxs.
Performed by Yarea & KICKBOMBO
Produced by Joan Valls & Ruben Pérez
Youtube: 2097
Directed by Bearoid and KICKBOMBO
Produced by Helsinkipro
Youtube: 69873
Directed by Pepe Martínez, Eduardo Abellán and Dori Espín.
Produced by KICKBOMBO.
KICKBOMBO presents AMZNG, a new single with an urban cut that comes from the hand of Pedro LaDroga, one of the great exponents of the new urban sounds of our country, and the singer, composer and producer Ebby.
Performed by Pedro Ladroga, Ebby, KICKBOMBO
Produced by KICKBOMBO
Youtube: 4949
Directed by 303 CLUB
Produced by Helsinkipro
1. Calasana
Kickbombo is a project of three Barcelonan artists who decide to experiment with sounds from all over the world to make music for everyone, without pretensions or complications. After collaborating with artists like One Path and trying out different rhythms and sounds, from urban to tropical, they release a new single, “Calasaña”, again under the auspices of Helsinkipro.
Performed by KICKBOMBO, Mamita Papaya and Willie Bahía
Produced by Joan Valls Paniza, Aleix Martin Font, Rubén Pérez Pérez
1.Amazing Taste
La primera colaboración de KICKBOMBO con La Sra. Tomasa se llama «Amazing Sabrosura» y es un tema que trata de la alegría de vivir que te da el baile, el sexo, el respeto y la buena vibra. «Amazing Sabrosura» es el drop más fresco de KICKBOMBO. Consigue trasladarte a la Habana a través de la mezcla del sonido cubano del Tres con las percusiones de La Sra. Tomasa. Es un track de verano y terrazas, de playa y body milk, de noche y de locura.
Performed by KICKBOMBO and La Señora Tomasa
Produced by Aleix Martin Font, Rubén Pérez Pérez and Joan Valls Paniza
Youtube: 7974
Directed by Joan Valls and Marc Tarres
Produced by Helsinkipro
«Balanda» es una mezcla de los estilos e influencias de KICKBOMBO con la colaboración de Ebby.
Performed by KICKBOMBO and Ebby
Produced by Aleix Martin Font, Joan Valls Paniza and Rubén Pérez Pérez
Youtube: 28792
Directed by Nico Leonard
Produced by Paula Pinser
1.Ok Ok
Performed by KICKBOMBO and Ebby
Produced by Aleix Martin Font, Joan Valls Paniza and Rubén Pérez Pérez