- El Último Vecino
- Blu Boi
- 2001
- Mariana També
- Samuel SLZR
- Elena Mesa
- $kyhook
- Bearoid
- Cariño
- Cecilio G
- Daniel Sabater
- discontrol
- This is
- InnerCut
- Kabasaki
- limabeatz
- Marco Italia
- Mr.K!
- Mueveloreina
- Mumesis
- Mundo Prestigio
- Nicky.O
- No no
- OnePath
- Pantocrator
- Pedro LaDroga
- Pepe y Vizio
- Selecta
- skygaze
- trashi
- Valles
- VVV [Trippin you]
- Xenia
- All
Youtube: 53449
Directed by Daniel Castellano
Produced by Alejandro Castro and Nieves Bermúdez
1.Main Menu
2. A Morir
3. Spa (Nada Ta Fasi)
4. Aclárate
5. De Fiesta / De After
6. Stuck On My Grind
7. Lavapiés
8. Hasta el Final
9. 3 Días Despierto
10. Un Peli (No Es Casualidad)
11. Si Tu quisieras
13. Cómo Sakura
14. Imán
15. Pose
16. Cuando Vuelvo
'Casa de Brujas' is the joint project of one of the most brilliant and charismatic minds on the urban scene and the producer of some of the most important songs on the national scene, raised to its maximum expression in this long-playing feature that aims to mark a milestone and one later in the career of Pedro LaDroga and $kyhook.
Performed by Pedro La Droga, $kyhook, Dano and Highkili
Produced by $kyhook
Directed by ARAN and Robleda
Produced by Marko Italia
Youtube: 114377
Directed by Maker Fly
Produced by Javier Tilouni
1. Me encantas
'Me Encantas' is a great indie pop song that perfectly unites the voices of the Valencian singer Bearoid with the young promise of music Cristina Len.
Portrayed by Bearoid, Cristina Len
Produced by Bearoid
Youtube: 16167
Directed by Francesc Soler
Produced by Mueveloreina
Youtube: 198940
Directed by @offglad
Produced by @alvaroael @garzi284
Youtube: 104920
Directed by Dani Castellano
Produced by Folt
Youtube: 154778
Directed by Maker Fly / Film Jtilouni
Produced by Helsinkipro
Youtube: 10550
Directed by Julián Clemente and Clara López
Produced by Helsinkipro
1. No Longer Say Hello
3. kill me
4. We were all except me
5. Look at it on the Good Side
7. Something Between Us
9. I'll see
10. I dreamed of you
11. I would do everything just as bad
An album that Joaco has been creating since August 2020, when he left Valencia with the equipment that fit in a backpack to compose, according to the artist he has declared on social networks, "the best songs he has done in life".
Played by ZORRA, cari, SOLEDAD VÉLEZ and Arquero.
Produced by ZORRA and cari.
1. Nunomania
2. Lucia Hidalgo
3. Or 100% with nothing
4. Patience
5. Nothing will happen
An ep made in Galiza in which Nuno Pico alias Grande Amore sings the always exquisite music of Ju, Brais, Fiz and Fer, the four members of Mundo Prestigio.
Played by Mundo Prestigio, Grande Amore
Produced by Hevy
Youtube: 103854
Directed by Aitor Aran
Produced by Helsinkipro
1. Nadie Es Leal
2. Hiedra Verde
3. Algo Que Explotar
4. Matar el Tiempo
5. Monstruo
6. Odiar Frontal
7. Crisis Existencial
8. Lluvias de Marzo
9. Amianto
10. Bosque Infinito
Just hearing a snippet of something that starts with bread- and ends with -demia is something that, at this point, repels us. VVV (Trippin' You) corroborate this with their third album. “Turboviolencia” flees from the catharsis that these two years have been –so far–, to offer us a much more intense one: that of life itself. Although like the moon, in this album they don't show us the most beautiful and shining part, the one that we can see with the naked eye, but the darkest and most hidden. One in which decadence goes hand in hand with a frenetic and cruel system that leads us to ruin and individualism.
– Sound World
Performed by VVV [trippin' you]
Produced by Diego Escriche Chavez
Youtube: 289820
Directed by Maker Fly and Javi Tilouni
Produced by H.264
Portrayed by ZORRA
Produced by ZORRA
Youtube: 26744
Directed by Chrome XYZ
Produced by Helsinkipro & Spell
Youtube: 579467
Directed by Ivan Blanco
Produced by Pablo Jiménez Saez
1. I am calm
Bearoid's carousel of love returns with 'I'm Quiet' with Halley. A new single from Valenciano that follows the line of casual themes that the artist has been giving us for almost a year, this time in collaboration with the singer, producer and composer Halley, to offer us a song that sings of the sweet calm that comes after a loving storm
Portrayed by Bearoid and Halley
Produced by Bearoid
Youtube: 7963
Directed by Xaime Miranda
Produced by Helsinkipro
Youtube: 376361
Directed by Ignacio López & Duelo
Produced by Duelo & Tuica
1. Piel Con Piel
2. Friki
3. La Tuya
5. De Peli
6. Ten Cuidado
7. Loto
8. Lennon
9. Sin Coro
10.3 Kilos
11. Día de Mayo (VVV)
'Pastel' is a work that shows the more pop side of One Path. A reference that he had been working on for years to present us with a well-rounded and very complete work that even includes a cover of the song '3 Kilos' by babi and his particular tribute to 'Fuego Cruzado', one of the most legendary songs by the band from Madrid VVV [Trippin' you].
Portrayed by OnePath
Produced by Helsinkipro
Youtube: 48868
Directed by Marko Italia
Produced by Marko Italia
Youtube: 576
Directed by ZORRA
Produced by Helsinkipro
Youtube: 2097
Directed by Bearoid and KICKBOMBO
Produced by Helsinkipro
1.Outer City Life
3.Falling Up
A three-song EP, in which $kyhook solo displays all his electronic potential in the form of an appetizer of what is to come, since, as he has promised on his social networks, 'we are not going to stop until 2023'.
Portrayed by $kyhook
Produced by Helsinkipro
Youtube: 81226
Directed by Martí Colomer & Nil Pagès
Produced by .Future
Creative Direction Maker Fly
H.264 production
1. Out of Time
Out of Time is the first single from InnerCut's 1996 album released in late 2021.
Performed by InnerCut, Ghouljaboy and Natalia Lacunza
Composed by Adrià Domenech, Jordi Arroyo and Natalia Lacunza
Produced by InnerCut
Youtube: 182281
Directed by Laura Lobos
Produced by Pablo Rojas Vila
Youtube: 39884
Directed by Javi Tilouni and Maker Fly
Produced by Helsinkipro
Youtube: 15266
Directed by PHARRA 33
Produced by PHARRA 33
Youtube: 182812
Directed by HCarnero
Produced by HCarnero
Today, we're premiering 'Loto', a pseudo-ballad of heartbreak and forgiveness, in which One Path gently opens on a mellow but unstoppable beat, showing its more pop side. And that, in addition, works as the third preview of his next album, which is titled 'Pastel' and will be available very soon on all digital platforms.
Portrayed by OnePath
Produced by Helsinkipro
1. Look at it on the bright side
After releasing 'Mátame' and 'Maldito' as advance singles from his new solo project. This time, Joaco Fuksbrauner, also a member of Mueveloreina, has decided to present us 'Míralo x el side bien', a song that talks about a break caused by monotony and the passage of time, written by the renowned poet Irene X and performed by ZORRA and Soledad Velez.
Produced by Helsinkipro
Youtube: 69854
Directed by Pepe Martínez, Eduardo Abellán and Dori Espín.
Produced by KICKBOMBO.
Youtube: 26401
Directed by Xavi Sanchez
Produced by Discontrol and Joe Red
Youtube: 2344
Directed by Bearoid and GANGES
Produced by Helsinkipro
1.No Choir
He finds himself quietly working on his next reference, only opening his mouth when he has something important to say. The second single from 'Pastel' fits perfectly into this, thus signing One Path a new movement on digital streaming platforms.
Performed by OnePath.
Produced by OnePath.
Youtube: 2808
Directed by Aleix Viade
Produced by Ramen TV
1.Super good
Continuing with its philosophy 'Another day, another fresh beat' Mundo Prestigio, the group from Vigo that is halfway between being a band and a group of producers, joins Compostela's mariagrep, one of the most exciting new voices on the scene current, to offer us 'Superbuena'. A track loaded with samples mixed with well-pasted organic sounds that combines perfectly with mariagrep's sentimental lyrics.
Performed by Mundo Prestigio and mariagrep
1.dream team
2. dime que si
3. ojalá que no te hubiera conocido nunca
4. mal mal
5. mañaneo
6. fiebre
We're crazy about their vibe, and even more so about the six new songs included in What happened that summer, the name they've baptized their longest release to date. For this new project they have included a version of the already mythical song 'Fiebre' by Bad Gyal, versioned in their own way, of course. We also find 'mañaneo', in collaboration with the artist Pedro Ladroga and the Catalan producer InnerCut… A whole fantasy made to make us move the skeleton in a summer in which we have all begun to see the light a little… – Neo2 MGZ
Portrayed by trashi, Pedro LaDroga, InnerCut
Composed by Luis Morera Sanchez, Luz Abril Rodríguez, María Lázaro Valero, Sergio Nicolás Hernando,
Produced by InnerCut
1.BYPD (8:08 a.m.)
2. Yo Queria Verte (10:35 am)
3. Ahora (12:00 pm)
4. Infidelidad (13:51 pm)
5.SQ (16:20 p.m.)
6.Colorá (17:09 pm)
7.WhatsApp Audio 2021-04-07 at 17:13
8.Guarana (17:44 pm)
9.Ae Ae (19:00 pm)
10. Juntos (8:32 p.m.)
11. Desnuda (22:39 pm)
12. Tentándome (00:12 am)
13.WhatsApp Audio 2021-06-18 at 00:16
14. Dando Vueltas (03:33 am)
An album, in which each song represents an hour, a different mood depending on the time of day you find yourself in. On the other hand, 'Buenos Y Prósperos Días' features high-level collaborations such as that of the Canarian MC BEJO in 'Colorá', the young promise of the urban genre Saiko in 'Guaraná' or that of his countryman Camin in 'Tentrme'. As well as the collaboration of Antonio Narvaez, David Marley, Drizzy or Twoface in the production of the songs.
Played by Pepe: Vizio, David Marley, Folt, Los del Control, Bejo, Saiko, Vera GRV, Camin.
Written by Pepe: Vizio, Bejo, Saiko, Vera GRV, Camin.
Produced by Pepe: Vizio, Drizzy, David Marley, Antonio Narvaez, Los Del Control.
After releasing 'Mátame' as the first advance single from his new solo project. This time Joaco Fuksbrauner has decided to present us with 'Maldito'. An indie-rock ballad co-produced with Carlos Veta Tamarit -the other leg of a geek-, which works as the second preview of 'No te cortes', the first solo album by the other half of Mueveloreina.
Portrayed by ZORRA
Produced by ZORRA and cari
Youtube: 65571
Directed by Mikel D. Extebarria & Álvaro Jiménez
Produced by Helsinkipro
Music video by trashi performing bad bad. © 2021 Helsinkipro
Youtube: 1765
Directed by Bearoid
Produced by Helsinkipro
Youtube: 21756
Directed by Rapapawn
Produced by Rapapawn
1. Hallelujah
3. What is not mine
4. I'm fine
6. 100 Blunts With Selena
7. Neon Demons
8.Steep Tech
9. Carnival
10.Nexus 7
11. Shadows of Canada
In 2016, Rico Snchez and $kyhook teamed up to release the reference 'Skyrich'. Two years later, they released a second part, not closing the project for subsequent installments. Now, being one of the most long-awaited albums of the moment, a third edition made up of 11 cuts lands.
The duo has been in charge of telling how it was created on social networks, being its birth in the period of confinement. In the vocal section of the work we find Pedro Ladroga, Selena, BLKSWN, Bueno True and Lvlv.
Performed by $kyhook, Rico Snchez, BLCKSWN, Pedro Ladroga, Lvlv Ther, Bueno True
Composed by Dominique Mitchell, Enrique Sanchez Artigas, Pablo de Echave Cazorla, Pedro Rodriguez Bravo
Produced by $kyhook
Youtube: 92621
Directed by Iñigo Apestegui
Produced by Cosmic Tree
Youtube: 357892
Directed by Jmzerr
Produced by Los Del Control
Youtube: 3931
Directed by Fer Areal
Produced by Helsinkipro
Youtube: 138909
Directed by Pablo Amores & PDRDRG
Produced by LAB & Helsinkipro
Youtube: 2239
Directed by De.Batista
Produced by $kyhook and Bueno True
The lyrics of 'Control', Bearoid's new single, talk about the summer of 2020 when the Valencian was immersed, without looking for it, in a polyamorous relationship. A situation that caused an invasion of jealousy, pain and sleepless nights. Something that ate him alive for a few weeks.
'Control' is one more installment of the new series of singles that Bearoid has been releasing since the end of 2020 and which accompanies 'Vino y Pizza 4 quesos', 'Pillarme', 'No sé' and 'El Pico' together with Casero.
Portrayed by Bearoid
Produced by Daniel Belenguer Saborit
1. kill me
ZORRA presents us on all digital platforms the first preview of her next LP. A track, created in long sessions of insomnia in Barcelona, which is accompanied by a video made in the grandmother's kitchen, with a glass from a ceiling lamp that she found hidden in a drawer, a lot of cling film and a whiskey from the bar cabinet.
Portrayed by ZORRA
Produced by ZORRA
1. Piel Con Piel
In a disappeared 2020, One Path breaks its silence with news of its next movements. The artist is preparing a reference that will be called 'Pastel' and of which he already enjoys a first preview.
'Skin with skin' is the name given to the leading single.
Performed by OnePath.
Produced by OnePath.
1.Chinese Government
2.The Opium of the People
3.Moral Police
4.Requiem (The Death of Carmel Sound)
'El Chungo Colectivo' is the new and long-awaited EP by Pantocrator. The four best ragged love songs you've ever heard. Recorded and produced, once again, by Marta Delmont and Xiri Romaní, with a magical mix by Iban Rodiguez Gabarró. The covers are the work of Ari Schneider.
A new work by the band from Barcelona that represents a leap in quality both for the music and for the aesthetics of Pantocrator, which is becoming more and more consolidated as one of the leading groups of Catalan powerpop, always without neglecting its fortuitous metaphors and the desire to play live.
Portrayed by Pantocrator
Composed by Marina Correa Ermosilla, Marta Ruíz Cayuela, Oriol Romaní Picas, Rober Busquets López and Guillermo Caballero
Produced by Marta Ruíz Cayuela, Oriol Romaní Picas, Iban Rodríguez Gabarró
1.we have to stay
3.the sofa
4. I don't feel like it
'we have to stay' is a journey that speaks of nostalgia in different ways, reflected in themes such as heartbreak, change or childhood. Each song expresses some of these emotions with a different style, turning the ep into a mix of musical genres that daniel sabater has been exploring for more than a year and now brings together in a heterogeneous work.
Performed by Daniel Sabater, DJ Parriba, KICKBOMBO and Roy Borland
Composed by Daniel Sabater Jiménez, Javier Bilbao Villaverde, Aleix Martin Font, Joan Valls Paniza and Rubén Pérez Pérez
Produced by DJ Parriba, KICKBOMBO, Daniel Sabater and Roy Borland
Youtube: 30814
Directed by Martí Colomer and Nil Pagès
Produced by Helsinkipro
Youtube: 3128
Directed by Javier Viera (Maker Fly) and Javier Tilouni
Produced by $kyhook
1.The Peak
In this new single, the artist Casero joins Bearoid to dare to talk about how absurd and unfair it is to not want and not be grateful for something until you lose it. A fact that, according to the artists, can happen to you with many ethereal things such as serotonin, emotions and peace with yourself or with someone you have ended up ignoring or losing.
Performed by Bearoid and Casero
Composed by Daniel Belenguer Saborit and Gabriela Casero Monge
Produced by Daniel Belenguer Saborit
Youtube: 121089
Directed by Jmzerr
Produced by Tokyu Studio
Youtube: 170946
Directed by Pedro LaDroga and 999K
Produced by Helsinkipro
Youtube: 90854
Directed by Pepe Martínez and Alberto Lema
Produced by Helsinkipro
1. Shadows of Canada
In this first single, both artists wanted to make a nod to the Scottish electronic music duo Boards of Canada, creating, once again, a theme of dark atmospheres that perfectly adapts to the rhythm.
Played by $kyhook, Rico Sanchez
Produced by $kyhook
Legendary single that was released this week
in which the street was taken over in response to the
imprisonment of Pablo Hasél.
Played by Cecilio G.
Composed by Javier Miguel Benavides Lara, Juan Cecilia Ruiz
Produced by Cecilio G, Limabeatz
Youtube: 2173
Directed by Eva Rausell
Produced by Helsinkipro
1.not even
A song that comes just one year after the formation of the band. Well, it was in February 2020 when trashy exploded on digital platforms with 'you don't see me :('. A theme that talks about summer: liters on the shore of the beach and having zero worries but feeling too much at the same time.
Played by Trashi
Composed by Luis Morera, Luz Abril, María Lazaro, Sergio Nicolás
Produced by Javier Aguilar, Nicky. EITHER
1. Shushu
A theme in homage to porn from the 70s that arises from a conversation between Karma Cereza and Roberto Garcés.
Portrayed by Moveloreina
Produced by Mueveloreina
1. Disney
'Disney' is a track that is inspired by rock and pop to mix with hip-hop and offer us an 'emo trap' song that, once again, demonstrates the versatility and great potential of these two women who impress his feelings in each song.
Played by Babi, LUNA KI
Produced by allnightproducer, Tennis Player, LUNA KI
Mira cómo me la suda
Donde nunca estoy
Cuando se acabe el mundo
The title says it very clearly.
Portrayed by ZORRA
Produced by ZORRA
Youtube: 249374
Directed by Jmzerr
Produced by Tokyu Studio
Youtube: 4545
Directed by Bearoid
Produced by Helsinkipro
1.X Please
One Path returns to the fray since it published 'Siempre Parriba 2'in December, with 'X Favor', a song singing about heartbreak, but from a carnal perspective. 'X Favor' takes us to the end of an impossible love story, in which, before separating, a lover asks his girl to eat one last time.
Performed by One Path and DJ Parriba
Produced by Helsinkipro