Pepe y Vizio son el dúo granadino formado por Pepe y Vicente, dos artistas polifacéticos unidos por la música y la amistad. Pepe aporta sus raíces flamencas como guitarrista y Vicente como productor influido por el hip hop neoyorquino; generando así una fusión de estilos sin complejos y con muchas referencias que van desde ASAP Mob y Kendrick Lamar a Camarón, Ketama Y Tego Calderón.
Por allí el año 2015 decidieron unir esta dualidad para presentar su proyecto conjunto: Pepe y Vizio. Esta genuina e inevitable unión se forjó de una forma tan natural y creíble que han conseguido consolidar una propuesta en los últimos años, posicionándose como una de las uniones más fructíferas actualmente.
Después del éxito generado con “El Patio” beside Delaossa, volvieron con “Cosas Bonitas” con la que nos recordaron quién son y de dónde vienen Pepe y Vizio. Además, para afianzar más su estilo y la representación de su tierra, colaboraron con la artista granadina, Lola Índigo, en el focus track de su nuevo álbum con ‘DE PLASTILINA’
No se han encontrado actuaciones en los próximos meses.
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Producido por Pepe y Vizio BigLa y Antonio Narváez
Percusión Antonio Díaz Gómez
Trompeta y fliscorno Alberto Martín
Saxo Tenor Carlos Ligero
Contrabajo Miguel Maria Pérez Corroso
Lola Índigo & Pepe y Vizio
Pepe : Vizio, Antonio Narváez, KIDDO
Equipo técnico del videoclip
Dirección: Pepe : Vizio, Dcasp
Cámara: Raúl Tenreiro
Editor: Dcasp
Youtube: 721226
Youtube: 33993398
Directed by Jmzzr
Produced by Topo Collective
Youtube: 268582
Directed by Daniel Castellano
Produced by Pepe : Vizio
Youtube: 29679
Directed by Daniel Castellano
Produced by Daniel Castellano
Youtube: 90913
Directed by Daniel Castellano
Produced by Helsinkipro
Youtube: 85357
Directed by Daniel Castellano
Produced by Helsinkipro
Youtube: 22522
Directed by Daniel Castellano
Produced by Helsinkipro
Youtube: 51162
Directed by Daniel Castellanos
Produced by Helsinkipro
Youtube: 53425
Directed by Daniel Castellano
Produced by Alejandro Castro and Nieves Bermúdez
Youtube: 104867
Directed by Dani Castellano
Produced by Folt
Youtube: 357367
Directed by Jmzerr
Produced by Los Del Control
Youtube: 121024
Directed by Jmzerr
Produced by Tokyu Studio
Youtube: 249209
Directed by Jmzerr
Produced by Tokyu Studio
Youtube: 486969
Directed by Jose Jmrezz
Produced by Helsinkipro
Youtube: 29132
Directed by Jmzerr
Produced by Tokyū
Youtube: 93247
Directed by Jmzerr
Produced by Tokyu Studio
Youtube: 47624
Directed by Hemlock Films
Produced by Helsinkipro
Youtube: 228653
Directed by Jose Jmzerr
Produced by Helsinkipro
Youtube: 24158
Directed by Godlaw
Produced by Royce Rollo
Youtube: 49530
Directed by @jmzerr
Produced by @ralphy.wav
Youtube: 73585
Directed by God Law
Produced by God Law
Youtube: 153352
Directed by God Law
Produced by God Law
Youtube: 83815
Directed by Raul Fullea
Produced by Eduardo Montes
Youtube: 145392
Directed by God Law
Produced by God Law
Youtube: 199734
Directed by God Law
Produced by God Law
Youtube: 262867
Directed by @a.dvisual
Produced by God Law
Youtube: 1309874
Directed by @cruces_alex
Produced by God Law
Youtube: 145155
Directed by Alex Cruces & God Law
Produced by God Law
Youtube: 145124
Directed by God Law
Produced by God Law
Youtube: 43598
Directed by God Law
Produced by God Law
Eres De Los Míos si entiendes el nuevo tema de Pepe : Vizio. El single revisita el pasado de un dúo de amigos y artistas, que comparten todo, vida y carrera profesional. Contrapone sus orígenes humildes con el transcurso de su carrera artística. Además, según Pepe y Vizio, una de las cosas que más enorgullecen como artista es poder nombrar en las canciones a tu equipo, que al final son familia, y decirles “mira hasta dónde hemos llegado” por eso es emocionante ver nombres como Kiddo o Fabi que les han acompañado en todo esto.
De Los Míos
Interpretada por Pepe : Vizio
Producida por Pepe : Vizio, KIDDO
Qué cerca queda la alegría con el single de Pepe : Vizio “Te Darás Cuenta», producido junto a KIDDO, mezclado y masterizado por Antonio Narváez. El dúo pionero en firmar con la discográfica de Bad Bunny ahora lanza el primer single con ellos.
Te Darás Cuenta – Pepe : Vizio, KIDDO
Interpretado por Pepe y Vicente, producido por KIDDO
«El dúo más cabrón desde Héctor y Willie» dicen Pepe : Vizio en «Air Force Blancas», el single de adelanto de su nuevo EP que lleva por título el nombre del primer dúo en presentar el sonido de la música latina y salsa neoyorquina al mundo.
1. Hector & Willie
2. Air Force White
3. Hesitating in a Car
Played by Pepe:Vizio, Chacho Brodas
Produced by Griffin
An album, in which each song represents an hour, a different mood depending on the time of day you find yourself in. On the other hand, 'Buenos Y Prósperos Días' features high-level collaborations such as that of the Canarian MC BEJO in 'Colorá', the young promise of the urban genre Saiko in 'Guaraná' or that of his countryman Camin in 'Tentrme'. As well as the collaboration of Antonio Narvaez, David Marley, Drizzy or Twoface in the production of the songs.
1.BYPD (8:08 a.m.)
2. Yo Queria Verte (10:35 am)
3. Ahora (12:00 pm)
4. Infidelidad (13:51 pm)
5.SQ (16:20 p.m.)
6.Colorá (17:09 pm)
7.WhatsApp Audio 2021-04-07 at 17:13
8.Guarana (17:44 pm)
9.Ae Ae (19:00 pm)
10. Juntos (8:32 p.m.)
11. Desnuda (22:39 pm)
12. Tentándome (00:12 am)
13.WhatsApp Audio 2021-06-18 at 00:16
14. Dando Vueltas (03:33 am)
Played by Pepe: Vizio, David Marley, Folt, Los del Control, Bejo, Saiko, Vera GRV, Camin.
Written by Pepe: Vizio, Bejo, Saiko, Vera GRV, Camin.
Produced by Pepe: Vizio, Drizzy, David Marley, Antonio Narvaez, Los Del Control.
'Pa Poder' is the fourth advance single from Selecta's debut album as producer. A track in which Pepe: Vizio collaborate to create a song that drinks from club music -Selecta's characteristic sound- and from the unique, beautiful and folkloric register of the voices of the people of Granada.
1.Pa Power
Performed by Selecta and Pepe: Vizio.
Produced by Select.
This time, 'Waiting for you' is about a relationship that has ended and about the feelings generated by longing for a person who will not return. A metaphor, according to the artists, for this unusual summer, which even with everything, we are going to miss a lot when winter comes.
1.Waiting for you
Played by Pepe: Vizio and Kabasaki
Produced by Helsinkipro
Good vibes and desire to dance is what the duo formed by Pepe: Vizio offer us with their new song "La Protagonista", a song about a woman who feels good and sure of herself and shows it by living life as the protagonist of his own film.
1.The Protagonist
Portrayed by Pepe: Vizio
Produced by Pepe : Vizio
After three months without hearing from Pepe and Vizio, the duo break their silence by launching news. In 'To se pago' they don't come alone, since R-1 La Esencia accompanies them vocally in a cut produced by the artists themselves.
1.To be Paid
Performed by Pepe: Vizio and R1 La Esencia
Produced by Pepe : Vizio
Through their social networks they announced new material for this week, and Pepe and Vizio have not missed the appointment with their followers. “What you want” is the name given to their new single where the artists share vocal prominence with Gordo Brega.
1.Whatever you want
Played by Pepe: Vizio and Gordo Brega
Produced by Pepe : Vizio
1. He blessed me
2.Trust Me
3.Ta Empty
5.Polaroid Love
6. Danny Seth – Interlude
7.Kalvin Clein
8. Lies
9. Miracle
10.The Air
11.Not the Same
12. Relax
Performed by Pepe: Vizio, KIDDO, DELLAFUENTE, La Flaka, Flavio Rodriguez, Rels B and Cookin Soul
Produced by Pepe: Vizio, KIDDO, DixieHype and Cookin Soul